


Aus exmediawiki

Naoto Hieda is an artist from Japan, based in Cologne with a background in engineering (B.Eng. from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and M.Eng. from McGill University, Canada) and currently enrolled in Diplom II at Kunsthochschule für Medien. They question the productive aspect of coding to speculate its new form, namely post-coding, through neurodiversity and live-coding.


naotohieda.com https://naotohieda.com
Best Practices https://best-practices.glitch.me/
festival.glitches.me https://festival.glitches.me/
Portfolio https://naoto-portfolio.glitch.me/

KHM Stuff

Spektrum every12thframe left.gif
2021 SS
KH門 @ ctrl-space https://khmn.glitch.me/
KHM Open @ Netze https://netze.glitch.me/
CityLeaks Episodes https://khm.glitch.me/#episodes/cityleaks
Presentations https://khm-2021-ss-naoto.glitch.me/#/
2020 WS
Presentations https://khm-2020-ws-naoto.glitch.me/#/