
Adversarial Attacks

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KNN's sind extrem anfällig für...


Untargeted Adversarial Attacks

Adversarial attacks that just want your model to be confused and predict a wrong class are called Untargeted Adversarial Attacks.

  • nicht zielgerichtet

Fast Gradient Sign Method(FGSM)

FGSM is a single step attack, ie.. the perturbation is added in a single step instead of adding it over a loop (Iterative attack).

Basic Iterative Method

Störung, anstatt in einem einzelnen Schritt in mehrere kleinen Schrittgrößen anwenden

Iterative Least-Likely Class Method

ein Bild erstellen, welches in der Vorhersage den niedrigsten Score trägt

Targeted Adversarial Attacks

Attacks which compel the model to predict a (wrong) desired output are called Targeted Adversarial attacks

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(Un-)Targeted Adversarial Attacks

kann beides...

Projected Gradient Descent (PGD)

Eine Störung finden die den Verlust eines Modells bei einer bestimmten Eingabe maximiert:


on computer vision

propose zeroth order optimization (ZOO)

Black-Box Attacks using Adversarial Samples

  • a technique that uses the victim model as an oracle to label a synthetic training set for the substitute, so the attacker need not even collect a training set to mount the attack

new Tesla Hack

on voice (ASR)

hidden voice commands

Psychoacoustic Hiding (Attacking Speech Recognition)

on written text (NLP)

paraphrasing attacks

Anti Surveillance

