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"All we need to live a good life surrounds us. Sun, wind, people, buildings, stones, sea, birds and plants. Cooperation with all these things brings harmony, opposition to them brings disaster and chaos." - Bill Mollison, Co-Founder of Permaculture

00:22 Film beginnt mit Blick auf den sich drehenden, blauen Planeten (siehe "blue marble", cover des Whole Earth Catalogs) Bilder: Sonnenuntergang, Großstadt, Fabrikschlote, konventionelle Landwirtschaft, Tierhaltung, Supermarkt, Verkehrsnetz


01:33 Konzept der "keystone species": eine Spezies in einem Ökosystem, deren Population und Verhalten alle anderen Spezies beeinflusst => Mensch

01:47 Interview Frau: Fundament des jetziges Systems (economic system, political ideology) basiert auf einem falschen Verständnis von Natur, dem Verständnis, dass wir irgendwie getrennt sind von "natürlichen Systemen"

02:08 Grund warum Zivilisationen aufgehört haben zu existieren: weil sie ihre eigenen Ressouces, ihre Lebensgrundlagen zerstört haben

02:25 agriculture comes from agrarian: soil, agrarian culture means the enrichment of it agriculture today it is an extraction, a depletion of soil, an extractive process closer to mining https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agriculture#Etymology_and_scope

02:44 top soil loss in agriculture: 22mm per acre per year (Oberboden, Mutterboden, Humusschicht)

02:57 present world: industrial economy, centralization, mass production, long distance transportation - contrarian to evolution (?) how can we as a species adapt to how the earth works (?)

03:35 to design an agriculture or a culture that is ecological: look to our local models - the forest

03:55 an ecosystem generally doesnt require lots of energy input from the outside, from another ecosystem (???) It´s finding a way to work with the sun and all the natural cycles of the season to produce what it needs

04:09 nature is the best thing we got. We don´t have anything else (???)

04:29 lets now design ecosystems, that are ecologically sound, and economically productive - permanent agriculture...

04:41 permaculture is not a thing, it´s a way of thinking, a process of Design permanent + agriculture - can we create a permanent agriculture not permanent in the sense of concrete, but grounded in the resilient diversity of how ecosystems work... (???) also a permanent culture, grounded in the real resilience of biology (???)