Aus exmediawiki
An attempt to generate a rhizomatic body. An oscillating string is generated in p5.js (https://editor.p5js.org/JakobHeimann/sketches/AF4bvHI_7). The string is randomly being moved and stretched using an array of noise functions and captured every frame. The finished picture is blurred and used as a noise map to modulate itself. Like tentacles feeling a vibrating landscape.
String Figure I
Rundgang Overhead-Projektion. Using the same technique as String Figure I, laser engraved onto small transparent acrylic circles, which were then stacked on top of one another and with the ability to be moved independently to create new patterns and depth.
Spark animation. Lichtenberg figure frames generated in P5.js (https://editor.p5js.org/JakobHeimann/sketches/qvPTSctnU), edited in After Effects, printed on paper, re-photographed on light-table onto 35mm b&w Film, negative scanned.