Aus exmediawiki
Winter 23-24
Tuesday, 14:00-16/18:00
(end of each seminar depending on the topic/ workshop)
first meeting, who is who
ideas, plans, projects...
exmedia lab rundgang
visiting matjö and verenas work "Erbsenzähler"
visiting the archive of boris nieslony
Black Kit - Die Schwarze Lade
meeting 2 pm at heumarkt station
- discussion of previous archive visit
- presentations of individual projects/ ideas
- Inna
- Amelie
- Shuai
- talking about archiving, diagrams and their significance for our work, how to collect thoughts and context etc.
next week:
bring your own or another diagram, for example
NASA Primary START - Automation Tool for Rapid Design of Space Systems
due to general strike no seminar today
(no card-making tutorial today)
time for presentation and discussion of projects
- Jeo
- Theo
- Thea
Further links:
Seiran Tsuno, clothes made with 3D pens
short intro to the wiki
cloning plants with Klaus
workshop with theo
last seminar day