

Aus exmediawiki

Karin Lingnau, Dawid Liftinger, Camilo Sandoval

In this semester we are taking the route from working with algorithms (p5), creating patterns and iterations, to learning to work with the lasercutter, transfering digital patterns to the physical, using materials like wood/ MDF and rubber, creating stamps to later print and to experiment... to be continued...

Seminar dates
always on Mondays, 14-18, every two weeks
on Mondays inbetween is time to work in the exMedia Lab.

Please take a look at the dates, as it is not regular due to holidays.

as a reference what we did last time on material & process (WS23-24): working with p5 and the riso

Monday, 08.04.


  • about iteration
  • about algorithms
  • first steps in p5

working with p5
(page to be build up in the course of the seminar)

always: please bring your own laptops

inbetween, 15.04.

time for working at the exMedia Lab

Monday, 22.04.

  • p5 introduction, first sketches
  • looking at the homework: vera molnár drawing
  • short intro to tesselation and symmetry rules

inbetween, 29.04.

free time at exMedia Lab

Monday, 06.05.

general introduction to the lasercutter
more p5, more patterns
for loop

etc etc

inbetween, 13.05.

free time at exMedia Lab, in the morning, till 3 pm
opening of the new khm-building starts at 3 pm

Pfingstmontag, 20.05.

no seminar, it's a holiday!!!

some tasks till next time

- upload first code/ examples/ images on the wiki and try to put something on your own wiki-page: #your_own_subpages

in general it is about working with p5 and try out, what we already began.


think about one simple pattern/ small image to laser-engrave, perhaps choose one you did with p5 already.

Monday, 27.05.

more p5
patterns, for loops, export to svg or pdf etc
lasercutter tryouts

link to | websafe fonts

inbetween, 03.06.

free time at exMedia Lab

Monday, 10.06.


inbetween, 17.06.


Monday, 24.06.

preparation for rundgang

Monday, 01.07.


your own subpages

Jin-A Jeong An Hayedam Niels on
Goeun Elias Jakob Bomin Yoonah
Mi Tania visible unicorn

how to work with subpages

general seminar text

The basic seminar material & process aims to examine materials and material processes, in interaction with technologies and their aesthetics, in a personal and social context.

The basis of every artistic work is material, whether haptic and physical as material, carrier and medium or/and structural and immaterial as coding. The consideration and examination of the interdependencies of material in their fundamental principles, in their translations and overlaps between the digital and the physical, will be carried out in the seminar through experiments and material studies. Material processes and algorithmic sequences are part of practical exercises and theoretical introductions.

The focus is on observing and getting to know material as an independent element, as well as on working with materials and their processes. Students can develop their own experiments and models using basic techniques and existing equipment. Analog materials and tools for processing material on a digital and mechanical level (e.g. CNC production such as laser cutters, milling machines or printing techniques such as Riso) are available. The principles discussed in the seminar can become the basis for works and concepts on a sculptural and/or digital level.