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Esoterische Programmiersprachen

  • haben nichts mit Esoterik an sich zu tun
  • verfolgen Konzepte fern der konventionellen Programmiersprachen
  • sind nicht für den praktischen Einsatz entwickelt worden
  • Anwendung z.B. als Proof of Concept
  • oft nur Theorien/Ideen ohne wirkliche Implementierung
  • können hohen akademischer Wert haben
    • sind aber oftmals einfach nur ein Witz

Sie können unterteilt werden in:

Befehlende Sprachen

Befehlende Sprachen sind J-A-J-I-Sprachen (Jochebed, Aaron, Jafet, Isaschar)

  • Befehlende Sprachen sind wortreich und deterministisch und verwenden Register
  • Befehlende Sprachen können lesbar oder unlesbar sein
  • Befehlende Sprachen sind Abwandungen von langweiligen imperativen Programmiersprachen


Ankündigungsmail vom Entwickler:

From: Gerson.Kurz@t-online.de (Gerson Kurz)
Subject: [.Gertrude Stein] Text below
Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 21:27:56 +0100

".Getrude Stein" is a new programming language named after the writer (which
I happen to like). Actually, its less of a language and more of a language

The idea is simple: the code consists of regular sentences of any kind of
natural language. For each sentence, an average word length is calculated
(and rounded up/down). Words that are exactly as long as the average word
are ignored. For the other words, a ratio [words longer than average]/[words
smaller than average] is calculated and used as an instruction index. (For
instance, the ratio 4/1 could be the add instruction and so on). Sentences
that contain ! or ? are ignored and can be used as comments. Numbers are
encoded as ratios of the form 1/x , then decoded as (int)(1/(1/x)).

I think programming in this encoding should be *quite* difficult, because
you have the "unenforced" restriction that the sentences should be proper
english (or German, or Swaheli or whatever) sentences. [So, cheating aka
using "xxx" as word is not allowed]. Maybe one can enforce as restriction
some language heuristics (e.g. not too many of the same character in one
word etc.]

  • benannt nach der Schriftstellerin Gertrude Stein
  • benutzt Poesie als Quelltext → Aneinanderreihung von Sätzen in natürlicher Sprache
  • von jedem Satz wird berechnet
    • die durchschnittliche Wortlänge
    • das Verhältnis [Wörter länger als Durchschnitt] zu [Wörter die kürzer sind als Durchschnitt]
  • bestimmte Längenverhältnisse bedeuten bestimmte Befehle
  • Jeder Satz steht also für einen Befehl

Beispiele Längenverhältnisse

6/3Define a new function
2/7Call a function
3/6Begin a new code block
4/12End of a code block
16/15Define a Variable
18/16Assignment Statement
3/1Define a literal
7/14Print an integer value as a character
7/15Print a string

"Hello World

From: Gerson.Kurz@t-online.de (Gerson Kurz)
Subject: [.Gertrude] [Long] Hello, World
Date: Sat, 5 May 2001 11:04:01 +0100

The following is a -working- version of "Hello, World" in .Gertrude. All sentences are taken either from the 1914 text "Tender Buttons" by Gertrude Stein, available online at http://www.bartleby.com/140/1.html, or from Kants Critique of Pure Reason. The interpreter for this fine sourcecode will be available for downloading on my site tomorrow. I'm looking for great online texts to turn into .gertrude sourcecode, so if you have suggestions, shoot.


Winged to be winged means that white is yellow and pieces pieces that are
brown are dust color if dust is washed off then it is choice that is to say
it is fitting cigarettes sooner than paper.
Suppose they are put together suppose that there is an interruption
supposing that beginning again they are not changed as to position suppose
all this and suppose that any five two of whom are not separating suppose
that the five are not consumed.
Cut more than any other and show it.
He would have been peculiarly well fitted to give a truly scientific
character to metaphysical studies had it occurred to him to prepare the
field by a criticism of the organum that is of pure reason itself.
The difference is spreading.
A sight a whole sight and a little groan grinding makes a trimming such a
sweet singing trimming and a red thing not a round thing but a white thing a
red thing and a white thing.
A little called anything shows shudders.
But an thought must directly or indirectly by means of certain signs relate
ultimately to intuitions; consequently with us to sensibility because in no
other way can an object be given to us.
Nickel what is nickel it is originally rid of a cover.
Why is a pale white not paler than blue why is a connection made by a stove
why is the example which is mentioned not shown to be the same why is there
no adjustment between the place and the separate attention.
What is the sash like.
" But the category of substance when the conception of a body is brought
under it determines that; and its empirical intuition in experience must be
contemplated always as subject and never as mere predicate.
The change in that is that red weakens an hour.
But motion considered as the description of a space is a pure act of the
successive synthesis of the manifold in external intuition by means of
productive imagination and belongs not only to geometry but even to
transcendental philosophy.
A widow in a wise veil and more garments shows that shadows are even.
A plain hill one is not that which is not white and red and green a plain
hill makes no sunshine it shows that without a disturber.
We cannot cogitate a geometrical line without drawing it in thought nor a
circle without describing it nor represent the three dimensions of space
without drawing three lines from the same point perpendicular to one
There is no search.
Principles a priori are so called not merely because they contain in
themselves the grounds of other judgements but also because they themselves
are not grounded in higher and more general cognitions.
But there is there is that hope and that interpretation and sometime surely
any is unwelcome sometime there is breath and there will be a sinecure and
charming very charming is that clean and cleansing.
A plan a hearty plan a compressed disease and no coffee not even a card or a
change to incline each way a plan that has that excess and that break is the
one that shows filling.
Cutting shade cool spades and little last beds make violet violet when.
It is very remarkable that we cannot perceive the possibility of a thing
from the category alone but must always have an intuition by which to make
evident the objective reality of the pure conception of the understanding.
There can be breakages in Japanese.
A plan a hearty plan a compressed disease and no coffee not even a card or a
change to incline each way a plan that has that excess and that break is the
one that shows filling.
Cutting shade cool spades and little last beds make violet violet when.
Mathematical axioms (for example there can be only one straight line between
two points) are general a priori cognitions and are therefore rightly
denominated principles relatively to the cases which can be subsumed under
That is no color chosen.
A plan a hearty plan a compressed disease and no coffee not even a card or a
change to incline each way a plan that has that excess and that break is the
one that shows filling.
Cutting shade cool spades and little last beds make violet violet when.
If we employ our reason not merely in the application of the principles of
the understanding to objects of experience but venture with it beyond these
boundaries there arise certain sophistical propositions or theorems.
It was chosen yesterday that showed spitting and perhaps washing and
A plan a hearty plan a compressed disease and no coffee not even a card or a
change to incline each way a plan that has that excess and that break is the
one that shows filling.
Cutting shade cool spades and little last beds make violet violet when.
As regards the second statement let us first take the opposite for granted-
that the world is finite and limited in space; it follows that it must exist
in a void space which is not limited.
The change of color is likely and a difference a very little difference is
A plan a hearty plan a compressed disease and no coffee not even a card or a
change to incline each way a plan that has that excess and that break is the
one that shows filling.
The lamp and the cake are not the only sign of stone.
But if you do not take care at the outset or at least midway to make men
good you will never force them into an honest belief.
The assertor of the all-sufficiency of nature in regard to causality
(transcendental Physiocracy) in opposition to the doctrine of freedom would
defend his view of the question somewhat in the following manner.
Callous is something that hardening leaves behind what will be soft if there
is a genuine interest in there being present as many girls as men.
We must seek the cause of our failure in our idea itself which is an
insoluble problem and in regard to which we obstinately assume that there
exists a real object corresponding and adequate to it.
It shows that dirt is clean when there is a volume.
A plan a hearty plan a compressed disease and no coffee not even a card or a
change to incline each way a plan that has that excess and that break is the
one that shows filling.
The place was shown to be very like the last time.
If we say of a thing that in relation to some other thing it is too large or
too small the former is considered as existing for the sake of the latter
and requiring to be adapted to it.
A cushion has that cover.
A plan a hearty plan a compressed disease and no coffee not even a card or a
change to incline each way a plan that has that excess and that break is the
one that shows filling.
Choose the rate to pay and pet pet very much.
But if you do not take care at the outset or at least midway to make men
good you will never force them into an honest belief.
The principle of an unbroken connection between all events in the phenomenal
world in accordance with the unchangeable laws of nature is a
well-established principle of transcendental analytic which admits of no
A circle of fine card board and a chance to see a tassel.
But if you do not take care at the outset or at least midway to make men
good you will never force them into an honest belief.
But still further removed than the idea from objective reality is the Ideal
by which term I understand the idea not in concreto but in individuo- as an
individual thing determinable or determined by the idea alone.
The question does not come before there is a quotation.
On the contrary this idea serves merely to indicate a certain unattainable
perfection and rather limits the operations than by the presentation of new
objects extends the sphere of the understanding.
In any kind of place there is a top to covering and it is a pleasure at any
rate there is some venturing in refusing to believe nonsense.
A plan a hearty plan a compressed disease and no coffee not even a card or a
change to incline each way a plan that has that excess and that break is the
one that shows filling.
A season in yellow sold extra strings makes lying places.
But if you do not take care at the outset or at least midway to make men
good you will never force them into an honest belief.
I answer: It is absurd to introduce- under whatever term disguised- into the
conception of a thing which is to be cogitated solely in reference to its
possibility the conception of its existence.
It shows what use there is in a whole piece if one uses it and it is extreme
and very likely the little things could be dearer but in any case there is a
bargain and if there is the best thing to do is to take it away and wear it
and then be reckless be reckless and resolved on returning gratitude.
If the empirical law of causality is to conduct us to a Supreme Being this
being must belong to the chain of empirical objects- in which case it would
be like all phenomena itself conditioned.
Certainly glittering is handsome and convincing.
If we wish to divide this science from the universal point of view of a
science in general it ought to comprehend first a Doctrine of the Elements
and secondly a Doctrine of the Method of pure reason.
Cold pails cold with joy no joy.
The conceptions of reality substance causality nay even that of necessity in
existence have no significance out of the sphere of empirical cognition and
cannot beyond that sphere determine any object.
Is there not much more joy in a table and more chairs and very likely
roundness and a place to put them.
There are however pure principles a priori which nevertheless I should not
ascribe to the pure understanding- for this reason that they are not derived
from pure conceptions but (although by the mediation of the understanding)
from pure intuitions.
Very likely there should not be a finer fancy present.
Out of this sphere they are not properly conceptions but the mere marks or
indices of conceptions which we may admit although they cannot without the
help of experience help us to understand any subject or thing.
A closet a closet does not connect under the bed.
But our proof shows that external experience is properly immediate that only
by virtue of it- not indeed the consciousness of our own existence but
certainly the determination of our existence in time that is internal
experience- is possible.
Yet such really is the case here.
But if you do not take care at the outset or at least midway to make men
good you will never force them into an honest belief.
At the same time we may attribute to this being infinite perfection- a
perfection which necessarily transcends that which our knowledge of the
order and design in the world authorize us to predicate of it.
A sight a whole sight and a little groan grinding makes a trimming such a
sweet singing trimming and a red thing not a round thing but a white thing a
red thing and a white thing.
Masters in the science of mathematics are confident of the success of this
method; indeed it is a common persuasion that it is capable of being applied
to any subject of human thought.
Dirty is yellow.
Where this unity of time is not to be met with as is the case with noumena
the whole use indeed the whole meaning of the categories is entirely lost
for even the possibility of things to correspond to the categories is in
this case incomprehensible.
A woolen object gilded.
If then in the speculative sphere of pure reason no dogmata are to be found;
all dogmatical methods whether borrowed from mathematics or invented by
philosophical thinkers are alike inappropriate and inefficient.
The three are on the table.
A little monkey goes like a donkey that means to say that means to say that
more sighs last goes.
Yet such really is the case here.
For such a hypothesis would introduce the principle of ignava ratio which
requires us to give up the search for causes that might be discovered in the
course of experience and to rest satisfied with a mere idea.
A plan a hearty plan a compressed disease and no coffee not even a card or a
change to incline each way a plan that has that excess and that break is the
one that shows filling.
A little monkey goes like a donkey that means to say that means to say that
more sighs last goes.
Yet such really is the case here.
Mathematics natural science the common experience of men have a high value
as means for the most part to accidental ends- but at last also to those
which are necessary and essential to the existence of humanity.
A little monkey goes like a donkey that means to say that means to say that
more sighs last goes.
Light blue and the same red with purple makes a change.
But if you do not take care at the outset or at least midway to make men
good you will never force them into an honest belief.
Mathematics natural science the common experience of men have a high value
as means for the most part to accidental ends- but at last also to those
which are necessary and essential to the existence of humanity.
But if you do not take care at the outset or at least midway to make men
good you will never force them into an honest belief.
Mathematics natural science the common experience of men have a high value
as means for the most part to accidental ends- but at last also to those
which are necessary and essential to the existence of humanity.
It shows that there is no mistake.
Mathematics natural science the common experience of men have a high value
as means for the most part to accidental ends- but at last also to those
which are necessary and essential to the existence of humanity.
Some increase means a calamity and this is the best preparation for three
and more being together.
A plan a hearty plan a compressed disease and no coffee not even a card or a
change to incline each way a plan that has that excess and that break is the
one that shows filling.
But if you do not take care at the outset or at least midway to make men
good you will never force them into an honest belief.
Mathematics natural science the common experience of men have a high value
as means for the most part to accidental ends- but at last also to those
which are necessary and essential to the existence of humanity.
A little calm is so ordinary and in any case there is sweetness and some of
Mathematics natural science the common experience of men have a high value
as means for the most part to accidental ends- but at last also to those
which are necessary and essential to the existence of humanity.
A seal and matches and a swan and ivy and a suit.
A little monkey goes like a donkey that means to say that means to say that
more sighs last goes.
Cutting shade cool spades and little last beds make violet violet when.
But if you do not take care at the outset or at least midway to make men
good you will never force them into an honest belief.
Mathematics natural science the common experience of men have a high value
as means for the most part to accidental ends- but at last also to those
which are necessary and essential to the existence of humanity.
The band if it is white and black the band has a green string.
Mathematics natural science the common experience of men have a high value
as means for the most part to accidental ends- but at last also to those
which are necessary and essential to the existence of humanity.
The disgrace is not in carelessness nor even in sewing it comes out out of
the way.
A little monkey goes like a donkey that means to say that means to say that
more sighs last goes.
Yet such really is the case here.
Mathematics natural science the common experience of men have a high value
as means for the most part to accidental ends- but at last also to those
which are necessary and essential to the existence of humanity.
The sash is not like anything mustard it is not like a same thing that has
stripes it is not even more hurt than that it has a little top.
A little monkey goes like a donkey that means to say that means to say that
more sighs last goes.
Yet such really is the case here.
But if you do not take care at the outset or at least midway to make men
good you will never force them into an honest belief.
Mathematics natural science the common experience of men have a high value
as means for the most part to accidental ends- but at last also to those
which are necessary and essential to the existence of humanity.



Erfunden von:

  • Adam Lindsay (Mai 2007)


  • Sprache muss für LANs verständlich sein
  • Syntax muss am Puls der Zeit sein (1337)

Es existieren:

  • Compiler und Interpreter
  • Syntax Highlighting für vim, eclipse


Anweisungen werden mit . oder neuer Zeile getrennt

  • Kommentare beginnen mit BTW
  • Ein Block wird mit HAI begonnen und mit KTHXBYE geschlossen
  • CAN HAS bindet Bibliotheken ein
  • VISIBLE gibt Text aus, GIMMEH liest Text ein
  • Alle Variablen müssen mit I HAS A ITZ <type> deklariert werden und bekommen einen der drei Typen NUMBAR (Zahl), YARN (String) oder BUKKIT (Array)

"Hello World"


Turingmaschinenbasierte Sprachen

  • Befehlende Sprachen sind H-M-S-I-Sprachen (Heftzibah, Mose, Sem, Isaschar)
  • Befehlende Sprachen sind un-wortreich, (dadurch) unlesbar und deterministisch
  • Turingmaschinenbasierte Sprachen basieren auf Turingmaschinen
  • Wir bewegen uns mit einem Pointer auf einem unendlichen Band, das wir beschreiben
  • Es gibt Schleifen, Ein- und Ausgabe


Erfunden von:

  • Edwin Brady und Chris Morris (Mai 2002)


Die Befehle und Steueranweisungen bestehen im Gegensatz zu üblichen Programmiersprachen aus definierten Folgen von Leerzeichen, Tabs und Zeilenumbrüchen (engl. Whitespaces). Auch Daten werden damit dargestellt (binär mittels Tab (=1) und Leerzeichen (=0), Endezeichen Zeilenumbruch).

"Hello World"

(Markieren, um Whitespaces sichtbar zu machen):


Stackbasierte Sprachen

  • Stackbasierte Sprachen sind H-A-H-I-Sprachen (Heftzibah, Aaron, Ham, Isaschar)
  • Stackbasierte Sprachen sind wortreich, aber unlesbar, und deterministisch
  • Stackbasierte Sprachen haben einen oder mehrere Stacks


Erfunden von:

  • Karl Hasselström und Jon Åslund (2001)

Wikipedia-Eintrag: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakespeare_Programming_Language


  • Ein Programm ist wie ein Drama von William Shakespeare
  • Ein Programm folgt dem typischem Aufbau eines Dramas
  • Aufbau: Titel, Dramatis Personae (Variablendeklarationen), Akte/Szenen (Anweisungen)
  • Jeder Charakter der spricht, muss auf der Bühne stehen, Charaktere treten mit [Enter] auf und mit [Exit] (eine Person) oder [Exeunt] (mehrere Personen) ab
  • Adjektive und Nomen entsprechen Zahlen (je nachdem ob sie nice sind oder nicht)
  • Ausgabe mit Open your heart und Speak your mind
  • Variablen sind Stacks, die mit Remember gefüllt und mit Recall geleert werden

"Hello World"

 The Infamous Hello World Program.

 Romeo, a young man with a remarkable patience.
 Juliet, a likewise young woman of remarkable grace.
 Ophelia, a remarkable woman much in dispute with Hamlet.
 Hamlet, the flatterer of Andersen Insulting A/S.

                     Act I: Hamlet’s insults and flattery.

                     Scene I: The insulting of Romeo.

 [Enter Hamlet and Romeo]

  You lying stupid fatherless big smelly half-witted coward!
  You are as stupid as the difference between a handsome rich brave
  hero and thyself! Speak your mind!

  You are as brave as the sum of your fat little stuffed misused dusty
  old rotten codpiece and a beautiful fair warm peaceful sunny summer’s
  day. You are as healthy as the difference between the sum of the
  sweetest reddest rose and my father and yourself! Speak your mind!

  You are as cowardly as the sum of yourself and the difference
  between a big mighty proud kingdom and a horse. Speak your mind.

  Speak your mind!

 [Exit Romeo]

                     Scene II: The praising of Juliet.

 [Enter Juliet]

  Thou art as sweet as the sum of the sum of Romeo and his horse and his
  black cat! Speak thy mind!

 [Exit Juliet]

                     Scene III: The praising of Ophelia.

 [Enter Ophelia]

  Thou art as lovely as the product of a large rural town and my amazing
  bottomless embroidered purse. Speak thy mind!

  Thou art as loving as the product of the bluest clearest sweetest sky
  and the sum of a squirrel and a white horse. Thou art as beautiful as
  the difference between Juliet and thyself. Speak thy mind!

 [Exeunt Ophelia and Hamlet]

                     Act II: Behind Hamlet’s back.

                     Scene I: Romeo and Juliet’s conversation.

 [Enter Romeo and Juliet]

  Speak your mind. You are as worried as the sum of yourself and the
  difference between my small smooth hamster and my nose. Speak your

  Speak YOUR mind! You are as bad as Hamlet! You are as small as the
  difference between the square of the difference between my little pony
  and your big hairy hound and the cube of your sorry little
  codpiece. Speak your mind!

 [Exit Romeo]

                     Scene II: Juliet and Ophelia’s conversation.

 [Enter Ophelia]

  Thou art as good as the quotient between Romeo and the sum of a small
  furry animal and a leech. Speak your mind!

  Thou art as disgusting as the quotient between Romeo and twice the
  difference between a mistletoe and an oozing infected blister! Speak
  your mind!



siehe: Beatnik

Mehrdimensionale Sprachen

  • Mehrdimensionale Sprachen sind H-M-H-I-Sprachen (Heftzibah, Mose, Ham, Isaschar)
  • Mehrdimensionale Sprachen sind un-wortreich, un-lesbar und deterministisch
  • Sie benutzen einen Stack zur Speicherung von Werten
  • Ein Programmzeiger startet in der linken oberen Ecke, die Richtung ändert sich während des Programmes

Bsp.: PIET

Erfunden von:

  • David Morgan-Mar (<= 2002)


  • Programme sollen aussehen wie abstrakte Kunst
  • Besonders schöne Programme sehen aus wie Bilder von Piet Mondrian

Es existieren:

  • Interpreter
  • Piet-Editor mit Traces
  • Online Piet Editor und Compiler (Demo)

Die kleinste semantische Einheit in einer solchen Bilddatei ist ein „Codel“ (Zusammensetzung von „Code“ und „Pixel“), ein – in der visuellen Repräsentation als Bild – Quadrat aus n2 Pixeln gleicher Farbe. Dieser Wert n wird dem Piet-Interpreter als Parameter übergeben und für die visuelle Darstellung von Piet-Programmen so gewählt, dass ein optisch ansprechendes (nicht zu kleines) Bild resultiert. Bei den Beispielen rechts hat n den Wert 4 (oben) beziehungsweise 11 (unten).

Technisch muss der Programmcode in Form einer Bilddatei im GIF-Format vorliegen. Piet ist eine Interpretersprache, das heißt der Piet-Interpreter liest den Inhalt der Datei (hier einer Bilddatei) mit dem Quelltext bitweise ein und interpretiert die darin enthaltenen Informationen als Programmbefehle.


  • Piet ist eine grafische Programmiersprache
  • Zwei Programmzeiger bewegen sich durch das Bild und werden durch Farbübergänge gedreht
  • Es gibt einen Stack, auf den Werte gepusht werden können
  • Die Zahl der Codels ("Code + Pixel") in einer zusammenhängenden Farbfläche repräsentiert einen Integer
  • Der Übergang von einer Farbe zur nächsten triggert eine Anweisung
  • Schwarze Felder können nicht betreten werden, der Programmzeiger bleibt hängen und wählt eine andere Richtung
  • Durch weiße Farbfelder gleitet der Programmzeiger ohne Veränderung

Befehlssatz von Piet

  • Hue Cycle: red → yellow → green → cyan → blue → magenta → red
  • Lightness Cycle: light → normal → dark → light

"Hello World"

Piet hello big.png


Piet Program.gif

Stochastische Sprachen

  • Stochastische Sprachen sind H-M-J-Z-Sprachen (Heftzibah, Mose, Jafet, Zebulon)
  • Stochastische Sprachen sind un-wortreich, un-lesbar und arbeiten auf beliebigen Maschinen
  • Stochastische Sprachen sind nicht deterministisch
  • Programme tun mit einer gewissen Wahrscheinlichkeit das, wozu sie geschrieben wurden

Bsp.: JAVA2K


Seiten in der Kategorie „Esolangs“

Folgende 4 Seiten sind in dieser Kategorie, von 4 insgesamt.