UE5 Keyboard Shortcuts Guide
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Version vom 10. Februar 2025, 15:30 Uhr von Shuree (Diskussion | Beiträge) (UE5 Keyboard Shortcuts Guide)
Version vom 10. Februar 2025, 15:30 Uhr von Shuree (Diskussion | Beiträge) (UE5 Keyboard Shortcuts Guide)
Unreal Engine 5 Keyboard Shortcuts Guide
This guide provides an overview of essential Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) keyboard shortcuts for navigation, transformation, snapping, and other key editor functionalities.
1. Viewport Navigation
- RMB + W – Move camera forward
- RMB + S – Move camera backward
- RMB + A – Move camera left
- RMB + D – Move camera right
- RMB + Q – Move camera down
- RMB + E – Move camera up
- Mouse Wheel – Adjust camera movement speed
2. Alternative Camera Controls
- MMB + Drag – Pan camera
- Alt + LMB + Drag – Orbit camera around focus point
- Alt + RMB + Drag – Dolly (Zoom in/out)
3. Object Manipulation
- W – Move (Translate mode)
- E – Rotate
- R – Scale
- Spacebar – Cycle between Move, Rotate, and Scale
4. Quick Actions
- F – Focus on selected object
- Alt + Drag (with Transform tools) – Duplicate selected object while transforming
3. Snapping & Grid Adjustments
- V – Toggle vertex snapping
- End – Snap object to floor
- Alt + End – Snap pivot point to floor
- [ – Decrease grid size
- ] – Increase grid size
4. Play & Simulation Controls
- Alt + P – Play in Editor
- Alt + S – Simulate in Editor
- F8 – Eject from Player Perspective (during play)
- Esc – Stop Play/Simulate
5. Viewport & UI Modes
- G – Toggle Game View (hides editor-only elements)
- F11 – Toggle Immersive Mode (full-screen viewport)
- Shift + F11 – Toggle Fullscreen Editor
6. General Editor Shortcuts
- Ctrl + S – Save current level
- Ctrl + Z – Undo last action
- Ctrl + Y – Redo last undone action
- Ctrl + B – Find selected asset in Content Browser
- F2 – Rename selected item