
Materiathek - Concept

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Materiathek. Material archive and perception in the fringes of the arts.

The research project is dedicated to the observation and investigation of material as the basis of artistic production and practice. A central focus lies in a collaborative and transdisciplinary approach that draws together the knowledge on new materials –so-called immaterials–, speculative materials, as well as ephemeral materials and their potentials of transformation. In addition to including existing discourses, the topic will be articulated with the perspectives and modes of action in art and their processuality. Within the project, our Materiathek. Material archive is being established. It is conceived as a collection of research material and results in analogue, digital, and networked ways. With various artistic-scientific experimental perspectives, it aims to create intersections in the understanding of materials in multiple disciplines such as the visual arts, architecture, design, natural sciences and technological material research.

A research project by Prof. Dr. Lilian Haberer, Prof. Anke Eckardt, Karin Lingnau, Johannes Hoffmann, Agustina Andreoletti at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM, 2019)