
Themen/Sätze Sammlung für dialogische Einleitung

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first notes about the topic of mesh(work) https://exmediawiki.khm.de/exmediawiki/index.php/Workshop_%C3%9Cberlegungen/Notizen#Dialog

more notes (taken during chats): formulations of questions /possible dialogue sequences for a start of the workshop or for later introductions during the day,
see the following "startsequence"-pad:

arrangement of questions into "chapters"
What kind of questions are sensible and suitable for us? Which questions are suitable for our project and the main question of our project (which is...)? Which are relevant for each of us coming from different directions and with different starting points.

aspects / terms

see also Startsequenz-pad
3-4 sentences about each term/aspect


Lilian: with Tim Ingold



Anke: Translation seems to be necessary for understanding, for making things graspable, translation is immanent within processes of mediation. Beyond that translation seems to be crucial on very different layers/ superpositions of layers within material processes. Coming from the field of sound, my original material - sound - is an immaterial one. Since a long time there are also other immaterial materials in art, although we have to admit, they are still considered to be at the fringes of the artworld. In her book "Das Material der Kunst" from 2001, Monika Wagner wrote about central materials of the art of the 20th century, besides paint a.s.o. she also reflects on volatile materials like air and light. Now, obviously we are dealing with translations, with processes of transformations, of transmissions between the immaterial realm and the material realm all the time. In case of sound: The "immaterial" sound wave itself is created by a physical sound source, such as vibrating material or the physical membrane of a loudspeaker. The vibrations then propagate away from the source as acoustic waves, through a transmission medium such as "immaterial" gas, "material" liquid or "material" solid. Furthermore translation processes between the analogue world and the digital world are our daily business (within the 21st century). Live streaming of music or video for instance is the delivery of internet content in real-time. In digital audio, the sound wave of the audio signal is encoded as numerical samples in continuous sequence. Client end-users can use their media players to start playing digital files before the entire file has been transmitted. Still, the data of the digital recording is stored on a physical server, somewhere in this world, in a bunker, underground, out of our view. And the digital file is played back again by a physical loudspeaker. Last but not least, sound can be produced digitally, e.g. it can be live-coded and at the same time played back in the physical world. This is all very basic. In architecture and material sciences for instance physical processes are driven by digital information. Industry 4.0 is based on a physical-digital-physical (PDP) loop. Some movements are only possible in the digital world. As the line between digital and physical continues to blur, we are facing a continuous and cyclical flow of translations. But what is the "inbetween" of material? How do we define physicality and all overlapping, intersecting, negating, grazing features in the non-physical realm?

And how about a meshwork? Is a meshwork itself also transferable to translational procedures? Beyond connections between nodes (network) the meshwork as a maze of overlapping and intersecting lines seems to be in tension. In physics, tension may be described as the pulling force transmitted axially by the means of a string, a cable, chain, or similar one-dimensional continuous object or by each end of a rod, truss member, or similar three-dimensional object; tension might also be described as the action-reaction pair of forces acting at each end of said elements. How do artistic processes with material relate to the description of action-reaction? What are terms of acting, with and within and outside of material aspects?


Karin: translations from one system to the other, the inbetween

Lilian: what is possible to be translated from one process to the other


points of contacts

Karin: meshwork-context, contextualization


