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Material – first taxonomies

On the classification and structuring of material and materiality in an artistic context

Different approaches to classifications

practical artistic production related / industrial functional semantic contextualized

material families
classified according to raw material and resources, production related / industrial

paper wood metal synthetics rubber stone/minerals

material features
classified according to properties and functionalities

Beispiel Beispiel Beispiel

or as a different example of a taxonomy: Jorge Luis Borges "Emporio celestial de conocimientos benévolos", approx. 1942, a fictitious taxonomy of animals, a "celestial emporium of benevolent knowledge": (a) belonging to the Emperor
(b) embalmed
(c) trained
(d) piglets
(e) sirens
(f) fabulous
(g) stray dogs
(h) included in this classification
(i) trembling like crazy
(j) innumerables
(k) drawn with a very fine camelhair brush
(l) et cetera
(m) just broke the vase
(n) from a distance look like flies

see also https://www.crockford.com/wilkins.html