
Unreal Club

Aus exmediawiki


is a weekly gathering of people who are interested in Unreal Engine 5.
It is open to everyone, if you would like to join please drop by anytime when we are having a session. However we only have 4 PCs in the VFX Lab therefore I recommend bringing your own laptops or laptops from the ausleihe. We usually work in team if there are not many people

All the announcements of the UE Club will be announced here, so we can avoid emailing back and forth.

Time and Place (Sommersemester 2024 starting from 15.04.2024)

  • Wednesday 17h-19h (doesn't take place during the semester break and feiertags)
  • Filzengraben 2, VFX Lab

WiSe 2023/2024 (Mondays)
27.11.2023 - Session 01
11.12.2023 - Session 02
18.12.2023 - Session 03
08.01.2024 - Session 04
15.01.2024 - Session 05
22.01.2024 - Session 06

SoSe 2024 (First two sessions was on Monday, but later sessions are on Wednesdays)
15.04.2024 - Session 07
22.04.2024 - Session 08
01.05.2024 - Feiertag
08.05.2024 - Session 09
15.05.2024 - Session 10
22.05.2024 - Session 11
29.05.2024 - Session 12

Zoom Link (for every session) for remote access:
ab 15.Apr. 2024 05:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien - Jede Woche am Mit

Meeting ID: 617 7200 0706
Passcode: 640544